Sakthisri Thirumoorthy
3 min readDec 15, 2021


Let’s blink!!

My Love
Your Ignorance...
My pain
Your Negligence...
My care
Your needless...
What did I do? But

What’s going on? Yesterday she was so kind to me but suddenly from today she is not talking and caring about me. Is she ignoring me?
Me: Hey! Why are you ignoring me? Did I do anything wrong?....

When somebody is ignoring you, especially if you are emotionally connected to that particular person, It really hurts. You may not focus on your work, probably waiting for their response in particular; perhaps you kind of start to feel DEPRESSED. So, how to tackle this life problem? What should you do if someone Is ignoring you?
In my perspective, There are two steps to overcome it. In case one, Ask yourself “what happened". If they suddenly ignore you, you must know that something happened. To find out that something, Ask yourself “what happened". Think that; have you done something wrong to them knowingly or unknowingly.

She: You dominating me in every situation Which I don’t like.
Me: Oh No. I did not notice that you got offended. I m ……………..??

If u really analyze your mistake for sure, Readers! Keep your ego aside, just go and ask “SORRY" if that relationship really matters to you.
As Margaret Lee says,
 An apology is a lovely perfume, It can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.

This keeps you satisfied and makes them feel that someone is there for them. Hence The power of the word “I m sorry". Additionally, The above conversation doesn’t deal with overreaction traits. Being overreacted to brawls is like “frying pan into the fire" unless you deal with PATIENCE. So
A healthy conversation
When one talks,
The other listens
An issue can be resolved
That’s how it works! Crazy isn’t????

Jumping into CASE 2…

Me: Hey! Why are you not answering my questions?
She: ………….
Me: just tell me what’s the matter with you. Did I hurt you?
Me: why?
She: ………..

If you wouldn’t do anything wrong, but they constantly ignoring you then it is clear maybe the relationship is still important to you but not for them. Then it has no IMPORTANCE. Perhaps, you were at the highest priority in their life yesterday but not today. As common, PRIORITY CAN CHANGE EVERYONE’S LIFE and in fact, that is not a bad thing but if your relationship not matter, it is a big problem. If they recognize your worth they will get back to you!!

The only thing you need to care for in this case is
1. Never get your ego heavy on you.
2. Never cross the limits that bring your self-respect down.
3. Never beg for a relationship or friendship if doesn’t worth it.

BE A MIRROR ! Reflect them what they give.

